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What is Injury Awareness Week?

Injury Awareness Week is a whole week of activities aiming to shine a light on the prevalence of injuries and the impact they have on victims of negligence.

The event is the cornerstone of APIL’s ongoing drive to build public support and awareness to help prevent needless injuries.

APIL also aims to highlight the important difference between accidents or mishaps which cannot be prevented, and harm caused by negligence which could and should have been avoided.

When is Injury Awareness Week 2024?

Injury Awareness Week 2024 will take place between the 24th and the 28th of June 2024.

How to get get involved in Injury Awareness Week 2024

Keep an eye on APIL’s Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn channels as well as the dedicated Injury Awareness Week Facebook page for lots of exciting content and details of how you can get involved in the 2024 campaign!

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