BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024 - ECPv6.5.1.4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024 X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024 REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20240331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20241027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240701 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240801 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T121823Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121823Z SUMMARY:Global Enterprise Agility Month 2024 DESCRIPTION:Right now\, most companies have 21st century internet-enabled business processes\, mid 20th-century management processes\, all built atop 19th century management” Gary Hamel\, Influential and iconoclastic business thinker\nGlobal Enterprise Agility Month brings awareness and focus to employees and enterprises excel by maintaining an authentic purpose while improving their ability to rapidly adapt to their ever changing environment and customer needs. \nThe speed at which we can adapt to changing economic\, social and environmental climates determines success or failure\, survival or extinction. Global Enterprise Agility Month is bringing focus to the conversation and actions we can all take to make sure our organisations not only survive but strive\, creating happier employees and customers. \nThis is an opportunity to learn from people leading the way and adapt their insights to help achieve successful outcomes in the context of your enterprise \nTag us at #StudyofEnterpriseAgilityMonth @SEACOMGLOBAL URL: CATEGORIES:Financial Awareness,International Awareness,July ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240701 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240801 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T121824Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121824Z SUMMARY:Independent Retailer Month DESCRIPTION:Today is the start of Independent Retailer Month! This month is a celebration of all the amazing independent retailers out there who contribute so much to the economy and to their local communities. \nIndependent retailers are the backbone of the economy\, and they play a vital role in creating jobs and boosting growth. They also add to the richness and diversity of our communities\, and they help to create a unique sense of place. \nGet involved in celebrating all of the amazing independent retailers out there. They are the lifeblood of our economy and our communities\, and they deserve our support! To get involved on social media channels use the hashtag #IndieRetail URL: CATEGORIES:Financial Awareness,International Awareness,July,Retail Awareness ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240909 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240916 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T122555Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240116T143304Z SUMMARY:UK Savings Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:What is UK Savings Week?\nUK Savings Week aims to get people engaged with saving\, whether they are already savers; have no savings but could save a little; or are unable to save right now but may be able to when times improve. \nWith 9 million people having no savings at all to fall back on in an emergency\, and £260 billion sitting in accounts that aren’t earning any interest\, UK Savings Week aims to \n\nHelp people to build their financial resilience by finding a way to save that works for them\n\n\n\nEncourage those with savings to actively engage and manage their savings to make them work as hard as possible for them\n\n\nUK Savings Week invites all organisations that want to see people’s financial resilience improve and for them to make the best of their savings to get on board and engage the nation in the great savings conversation. \nHaving a regular savings habit can provide a safety net when things go wrong. Even a small rainy-day pot to fall back on when an unexpected bill lands\, can provide security and reduce worry in difficult times.  But savings are not just for the unexpected. A growing savings pot can help achieve future dreams and aspirations\, whether that’s saving for a weekend break or a holiday of a lifetime\, a new dress or a new home\, a new hobby or career-changing qualification\, Christmas presents or a wedding. Getting into the habit of putting some money aside each month towards a future goal will help to ensure that dream is achieved. \nWhen\, how and how much we save\, will be different for everyone. UK Savings Week is all about helping individuals to save their own way\, when they can. Creating a regular habit is often the best way to start\, and whilst the amount saved might flex depending on other expenses in the month and could be small: once the habit is formed a savings pot can start to build. \nFor those who are already savers\, UK Savings Week aims to help people think about making most the of their savings\, by understanding different types of savings account and finding the best rate of interest. As interest rates have been rising\, choosing the right account can make a big financial difference to individual savers. \nWhen is UK Savings Week?\nUK Savings Week 2024 will run from the 9th to the 15th of September. \nHow to get involved in UK Savings Week\nTo get more information on this year’s UK Savings Week\, please fill in the contact form and we’ll get in touch to share how you could get involved and to answer any questions you may have. URL: CATEGORIES:Financial Awareness,September,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241007 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241014 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T123235Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T123235Z SUMMARY:National Work Life Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:National Work Life Week 2024 is an annual campaign that encourages individuals and organizations to focus on work-life balance and well-being in the workplace. This important week provides an opportunity to reflect on the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life and to promote initiatives that support employee well-being. As National Work Life Week approaches\, let’s explore the significance of this week\, when it takes place\, how to get involved\, its history\, and ways to connect with others through hashtags. \nWhat is National Work Life Week 2024?\nNational Work Life Week 2024 is a week dedicated to highlighting the importance of work-life balance and fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes employee well-being. It serves as a reminder that employees are most productive and engaged when they have the flexibility to balance their work commitments with their personal lives. During this week\, employers and employees alike are encouraged to explore strategies for achieving better work-life harmony. \nWhen is National Work Life Week 2024?\nNational Work Life Week is observed annually during the first week of October. In 2024\, this significant week begins on October 2nd and continues through October 6th\, providing an opportunity for individuals and organizations to participate in activities and discussions focused on work-life balance. \nHow to get involved with National Work Life Week 2024?\nParticipating in National Work Life Week allows you to promote work-life balance and well-being in your workplace. Here are some meaningful ways to get involved: \n\nOrganize Workshops and Seminars: Host workshops and seminars on work-life balance\, stress management\, and employee well-being for your employees or colleagues.\nPromote Flexible Work Arrangements: Advocate for and implement flexible work arrangements that allow employees to balance their work and personal lives more effectively.\nEncourage Breaks and Time Off: Remind employees to take regular breaks and use their vacation days to recharge and maintain their mental and physical health.\nSupport Mental Health Initiatives: Promote mental health awareness and provide resources for employees who may be struggling with work-related stress or mental health challenges.\nShare Work-Life Tips: Share tips and best practices for achieving work-life balance through company newsletters\, emails\, or social media.\nDiscuss Employee Well-Being: Initiate discussions about employee well-being during team meetings and seek feedback on ways to improve work-life balance in your organization.\n\nHistory of National Work Life Week\nNational Work Life Week was established to address the growing concern about the impact of work-related stress and long working hours on employees’ lives. It provides a platform for organizations and individuals to focus on creating healthier work environments and supporting the well-being of employees. \nOver the years\, National Work Life Week has gained recognition and support from businesses\, government agencies\, and advocacy groups\, making it an important initiative to promote work-life balance and employee well-being. \nRelevant Hashtags\nWhen sharing your support for National Work Life Week 2024 and advocating for work-life balance\, consider using these relevant hashtags to connect with others who are participating in this important campaign: \n\n#WorkLifeWeek\n#WorkLifeBalance\n#EmployeeWellBeing\n#FlexibleWork\n#MentalHealthAtWork\n#HealthyWorkplace\n#WellnessWednesday\n\nBy using these hashtags\, you can join a broader conversation about work-life balance\, share insights\, and contribute to the promotion of healthier\, more supportive workplaces. URL: CATEGORIES:Community Awareness,Family Awareness,Financial Awareness,Health Awareness,October,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241017 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241018 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T123535Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T123535Z SUMMARY:International Credit Union Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:International Credit Union Day 2024 is a global celebration that recognizes the significant role that credit unions play in empowering individuals and communities to achieve financial well-being. It’s a day to highlight the cooperative principles that guide credit unions and their commitment to providing accessible and affordable financial services to people from all walks of life. International Credit Union Day is an opportunity to celebrate the positive impact of credit unions worldwide and to promote financial education and inclusion. \nWhen is International Credit Union Day 2024?\nInternational Credit Union Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of October each year. In 2024\, this day falls on October 19th\, providing credit unions and their members with a special occasion to come together and recognize their collective achievements. \nHow to get involved with International Credit Union Day 2024?\nParticipating in International Credit Union Day allows you to show support for the cooperative financial sector and the values it represents. Here are some meaningful ways to get involved: \n\nJoin Your Local Credit Union: If you’re not already a member\, consider joining a credit union in your community to access financial services and support a cooperative institution.\nShare Your Credit Union Story: Share your experiences and successes with your credit union on social media or within your community to inspire others to explore this financial option.\nAttend Credit Union Events: Look for local or virtual events and celebrations organized by credit unions in your area.\nSupport Financial Education: Promote financial literacy and education within your community\, especially among young people\, to empower them with essential financial skills.\nAdvocate for Financial Inclusion: Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote financial inclusion and access to affordable financial services for all.\nVolunteer with Your Credit Union: If you’re a credit union member\, consider volunteering your time and skills to support the cooperative efforts of your credit union.\n\nHistory of International Credit Union Day\nInternational Credit Union Day has been celebrated since 1948\, making it a longstanding tradition in the cooperative financial sector. It was established to honor the principles of credit unions and the positive impact they have on individuals and communities. \nThroughout the years\, credit unions have continued to grow and provide vital financial services to people worldwide\, and this day recognizes their dedication to financial well-being. \nRelevant Hashtags\nWhen sharing your support for International Credit Union Day 2024 and engaging in discussions about financial inclusion and cooperative finance\, consider using these relevant hashtags to connect with others who share your enthusiasm: \n\n#ICUDay\n#CreditUnions\n#CooperativeFinance\n#FinancialInclusion\n#EmpowerCommunities\n#FinancialWellBeing\n#JoinACreditUnion\n\nBy using these hashtags\, you can join a global community of credit union supporters and advocates who are committed to promoting financial empowerment and cooperative values. URL: CATEGORIES:Financial Awareness,International Awareness,October ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241118 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241125 DTSTAMP:20240625T082745 CREATED:20231008T124158Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T124158Z SUMMARY:International Leadership Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:The theme for this year’s International Leadership Week is ‘Leadership re-invented’. \n Traditional leadership thinking has taken the heat in the last 2 years – not least because of the global pandemic\, so International Leadership Week 2021 brings together leaders from around the world to deliver actionable insights and practical advice on how leadership thinking has changed. \n Running over 5 days ILW21 will be packed full of thought-provoking discussions with high-profile leaders from across the globe. There will be a combination of interviews\, panel discussions and presentations with the opportunity for audience members to ask questions of our expert speakers. All online via webinars\, LinkedIn Live discussions and podcasts. \n How to get involved. \n Attend for free. We encourage you to share with your network – just tag or reference The Institute of Leadership & Management and use #ILW21 \n Apply to join the line-up – contact \n Become one of our exclusive sponsors \n Host your own event using International Leadership Week as your inspiration URL: CATEGORIES:Community Awareness,Education Awareness,Financial Awareness,International Awareness,November ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR